What's the Buzz?

What’s the Buzz? is an evidence based social and emotional literacy program created by Mark Le Messurier and Madhavi Nawana Parker. The program consists of 16 lessons which use stories, role plays and play-based programs to teach children how to think and relate to others in social situations.
The program is based on the SAFE criteria which permits maximum opportunity for the skills taught to transfer across to other situations:
S – sequenced: shows a logical step-by-step break down of each new skill
A – active: uses role-plays and rehearsal with feedback
F – focused: dedicates time solely towards teaching a specific skill
E – explicit: teaches a specific social/ emotional skill each session
How can group sessions help you?
Confidently interpret human differences
Develop and maintain relationships
Awaken social and emotional awareness
Navigate tricky social situations positively and resiliently
Identify and develop self emotions
Develop mechanisms to constructively respond to behavioural dominance
... And much much more!
Social and emotional literacy is imperative to building and maintaining respectful relationships. SEL is the building skills needed to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, feel and show empathy for others, make responsible and caring decisions, and establish and maintain supportive relationships
For Early Learners
(ages 5-8)
Early Learners
​​These lessons follow a relatable character called Archie. In each lesson, children help Archie solve the very same social dilemmas that occur in their lives.
Topics include: the how and why of sharing and taking turns, winning and losing gracefully, staying kind and friendly over different ideas, angry feelings, building healthy bodies, honesty, learning to be assertive, empathy, and how to repair friendships when you’ve been upset with each other.
For Primary Learners
(ages 8-12)
Primary Learners
The lessons again follow Archie, who falls in the same age bracket as participants in this group.
Together with Archie, participants learn: peer pressure (when to follow and when to go your own way), winning and losing with style, feelings and the warning signs, empathy, anxiety and how to work with it, handling disappointment, bulling and bullying-styled behaviours and how to deal with it, building emotional intelligence and self awareness, and the value of giving encouraging feedback.
For Teenagers
(ages 12-15)
Archie is now a teenager and again experiences the very same social dilemmas that occurs in a teenagers life.
Topics covered in this program include: the ins and outs of friendship, getting attention, wellbeing and social media, resilience, handling anxiety, responding to dominating behaviours, being hurt or abused online, effective listening, acts of kindness, self-identity and perseverance.
Off to Great Places is a registered member of "What's the Buzz?"
All content from the "What's the Buzz" official website as been utilised following their copyright policy.