Behavioural Support

Behaviour Support is an individualised and comprehensive approach aiming to assist participants and their support networks to build their capacity in order to improve their quality of life, whilst building skills and minimising behaviours of concern.
Behavioural Support looks to understand why a person uses a type of behaviour which affects them or those around them. By understanding what the individual is trying to communicate with such behaviour we can develop strategies to better support them and meet their needs.
We will provide wraparound support to work with you, your family, therapists and community to broaden understanding of your needs and the best ways to work with you.
​What does this look like?
Implementing person-centred strategies that focus on improving quality of life.
Work with stakeholders to implement person-centred strategies that are consistent and effective across environments.
Conduct weekly or fortnightly sessions to increase skills such as social skills and emotional regulation to help the individual express themselves and their needs.